Cultural Contribution #Uwo #UnchartedWatersOnline

Cultural Contribution points allow you to take a second quest when you already have one.Without Cultural Contribution points, you can only have ONE quest at a time. If you have a quest already and go looking for another, you will see the quest window complaints about not having enough Cultural Contribution. With some culture contribution, you can acquire a second quest. Difficulty of second quest you can acquire is depend on Cultural Contribution points. More point you have, more difficult the quest you can acquire.

Cultural Contribution Rank = Difficulty of Second Quest Decrease (Cultural Contributor Title)
0 ~ 499 1 5 (4)
500 ~ 1999 2 20 (16)
2000 ~ 4499 3 45 (36)
4500 ~ 7999 4 80 (64)
8000 ~ 12499 5 125 (100)
12500 ~ 17999 6 180 (144)
18000 ~ 23499 7 245 (196)
24500 ~ 31999 8 320 (256)
32000 ~ 40499 9 405 (324)
40500 ~ 50000 10 500 (400)

To obtain Cultural Contribution points you to head over to Paris (take carriage in Marseille) and visit the Louvre palace. You can put in certain items, or ornaments made from certain adventure quest cards, in either the main exhibit hall(costly some ducats) or one of the smaller exhibit halls (free) in order to gain points. The curator in the Louvre will explain more.

You can view your Cultural Contribution level by going to your character information screen (by pressing “c”) then hovering your cursor over the lookout glass (in the lower lefthand corner of the character info box near your the feet of your portrait).

HOT KEYS #UWO #UnchartedWatersOnline

Hot Keys

F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7– User configuration

F8– Open emoticon window

F9– Open skill window

F10– Open item window

F11– Open settings

F12– Open quit game window

How to register hot keys : select a command and match with keys through F1 to F12 at system > register hot keys.

How to register in quick slot: Pair items or skills with numbers 1 to 8 at system > register quick slot.

To use the item or skill in the quick slot press the ´ button together with the applicable number.

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Caribbean Trade Route #UWO (XP and Fame)

If you are starting to trade and you have the Caribbean port permit, you can start by buying some specialty products from these cities such as luxury products or alcohol. If you have little space in your ship is recommended that you focus on basically buying these products in these cities as they are the best paid and give much more fame.
You must buy at least 50 units of each product, if you can buy more do it, but focus on Tobacco and Tequila.

If you dont have much space:

  • Jamaica buy Tobacco and Tequila —->>> go Santiago and back to Jamaica to buy again Tobacco and Tequila all the times you need until you fill your ship.

If you have enough space:

  • Jamaica buy Tobacco and Tequila —–>>> Grand Cayman buy Tequila ——->>>> Habana buy Tobacco and Tequila —–>>> then back to Grand Cayman and Jamaica and do the same route until your ship is full.

And if you want to buy more products to fill the remaining empty space you can also buy this products but  they are going to give you less experience:

  • Santo Domingo: Peanuts and Silver
  • San Juan: Cacao and Peanuts
  • Santiago: Cacao, Pineapples and Chicle

There are also other products like Precious Stones that give XP and Fame but you have to invest and it is recommended to have the skill Jewellry Trading at a high level to buy a decent amount.

A good advice is that if you have some PO2 (Purchase Oder Category 2) you can to Habana where is sold more amount of Luxury Products or just Jamaica and buy all your cargo all at once.

Once your ship is full, you can go to your city and sell all the products you have bought, if you have charms of xp or fame use them when you go to sell the products. Remember to sell when you are above 100% to make a profit.

UWO Unlock Level 60+ Merchant/Trade

Quest to unlock Trade at Lvl60 is in Calicut

1. Available from Lvl56 onwards
2. Collect up the jewellery before going to Calicut
3. The quest can be completed WITHOUT leaving the port.

Requirements: Level 56 trade
Permits: India
Investment: 200-300k should be enough to appear at Shopkeeper the items you need.

Jewellery List and Price of item:
1. Amber hair ornament – Riga – 5 Million
2. Agate earrings – Jamaica – 4 million
3. Jade ring – Carribean Territory – 7 Million
4. Diamond necklace – Cape Town – 11 Million
5. Turquoise brooch – Hormuz – 6 Million

Quest Details:
Millionaire – “Go and see Wife and find out what she wants for her birthday”
Wife (Behind English Consul very low down –“Doesn’t know”
Millionaire – “You come up with something”
Go to Port (Seafarer) – “Pirates have sink ships bring goods”
Millionaire – “What am I to do” then suggests you get the goods.
Go to Port after given Jewellery List then return to Wife
Wife – Refuses Gift
Millionaire (and Wife) – Philosophical Chit Chat
(The two of them keep the goods away)

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Basic Information about Aides

Look After your Aide

What is Aide?
You can call it pet if you like. Since they can give buffs and other benefits.This is a link for a complete list of aide you can have.

How does their skills work?
Depends on their skills.

  • If they have language(s) (they always have at least 1 language), u can use their language as your own language, and u can read from archives with it.
  • Some of their skills will give +1 to your skill. This will work only if you and your aide has the same skills.
  • They also has special skills that you cant learn, like obstruction. This skills are unique and really useful depends on your playing style and needs.

When can I have my aide?

  1. 1st aide you can have when you reached level 20 of any.
  2. 2nd aide when you reached level 40 of any
  3. 3rd, 4th, and 5th depends on your Quarters rank. Better Quarters will gives your aide place to rest I think. XD

Can I give my aide a ship?

  • Once your aide trust reached 50, you can choose only 1 aide as aide captain and give them a ship to use. This will give more benefits like, more cargo, or call them to aid you in battle.
  • Your aide will gain trust point when you sailing. However, I found out its not actually 30 days sailing will give you 1 trust point. Its more like higher trust point need longer sailing days. Or you can use item Proof of Trust, this will give 1 trust point for each.

How do they level?

  1. They gain 100% exp from anything you do. So if you got 100 trade exp, they will have it too.
  2. They also gain exp from sailing each day. Each duty gives different portion exp.
    • Navigation > 100% to adventure
    • Lookout > 50% adventure, 50% maritime
    • Storekeeper > 100% trade
    • Paymaster > 50% trade, 50% adventure
    • Lieutenant > 100% maritime
    • Surgeon > 50% maritime, 50% trade

Tips to grow your Aide traits better

Your aide has chance to grow all traits every time they level up.But how?
Example your aide has 50 surgeon trait, this mean your aide need to sail 50 days in that duty to raise the chance for it grow on the next level up. This is not easy, especialy if u want to see your aide has 100 traits for all job.
We can replace the sailing requirement using aide food, each aide food replace 5 days at sea. But, for 50 trait, that mean we need 10 aide food, that would be expensive.
There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Every time your aide almost level up, you feed them until they full. How do we know they full? Easy, they will stop talking! XD
  2. 2nd way is, my way. ^^ I keep rolling my aide duty for every 2 days sailing (some players prefer 5 days at sea). When their traits still has ??? mark, I use the 1st way (feed them until they stop talking). When their traits still < 50, i give them 5 aide foods. When their traits > 50, i give them 10 aide foods.

Important thing, don’t you ever use the bonus traits. If u use it, that mean they need more aide food.

When is the best time to use my aide bonus traits?
Use it to make all traits become 100 at once. Example:

  • Navigation 90
  • Lookout 95
  • Storekeeper 90
  • Paymaster 100
  • Lieutenant 80
  • Surgeon 100

You need 45 bonus trait to make all of the traits fully 100. so if you didnt have 45 bonus traits, keep it until next level up.

Aide Food

Go to Christina in Lisbon and click the hammer

Here are the recipes:


Fava Bean Soup – Nutritional Recipes – Broad beans /Pork – R4

Salmon Meuniere – North Sea Food – Flour/Butter/Salmon – R6

Muffins – Bread Basics – Butter/Flour/Eggs – R3



Bouillabaisse – West Mediterranean Cuisine – Bouquet Gami )/Fish/Saffron – R10

Bouquet Gami – West Mediterranean Cuisine – Celery/Thyme/Parsley – R4

Lamb Stewed with Turnips – Meat Dishes for treats (invest Mogadishu) – Lamb/Turnips/Broth – R9

Broth – Simple Recipes – Onion/Chicken/Salt – R3

Boule – Beautiful Bread – Butter/Flour – R5



Almond Biscuit – Confectionary for beginners – Almond/Egg/Flour  – R3

Raisin Rye Bread – Beautiful Bread – Flour/Raisin/Rye – R4

Herb Marinated Shrimp – Sandinavian Luxury Food (invest Riga) – Herb Vinegar/Shrimp – R10

(Herb Vinegar – Complete Seasoning (handicraft) – Rosemary/Thyme/White Vinegar – R2

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