Caribbean Trade Route #UWO (XP and Fame)

If you are starting to trade and you have the Caribbean port permit, you can start by buying some specialty products from these cities such as luxury products or alcohol. If you have little space in your ship is recommended that you focus on basically buying these products in these cities as they are the best paid and give much more fame.
You must buy at least 50 units of each product, if you can buy more do it, but focus on Tobacco and Tequila.

If you dont have much space:

  • Jamaica buy Tobacco and Tequila —->>> go Santiago and back to Jamaica to buy again Tobacco and Tequila all the times you need until you fill your ship.

If you have enough space:

  • Jamaica buy Tobacco and Tequila —–>>> Grand Cayman buy Tequila ——->>>> Habana buy Tobacco and Tequila —–>>> then back to Grand Cayman and Jamaica and do the same route until your ship is full.

And if you want to buy more products to fill the remaining empty space you can also buy this products but  they are going to give you less experience:

  • Santo Domingo: Peanuts and Silver
  • San Juan: Cacao and Peanuts
  • Santiago: Cacao, Pineapples and Chicle

There are also other products like Precious Stones that give XP and Fame but you have to invest and it is recommended to have the skill Jewellry Trading at a high level to buy a decent amount.

A good advice is that if you have some PO2 (Purchase Oder Category 2) you can to Habana where is sold more amount of Luxury Products or just Jamaica and buy all your cargo all at once.

Once your ship is full, you can go to your city and sell all the products you have bought, if you have charms of xp or fame use them when you go to sell the products. Remember to sell when you are above 100% to make a profit.

UWO Unlock Level 60+ Merchant/Trade

Quest to unlock Trade at Lvl60 is in Calicut

1. Available from Lvl56 onwards
2. Collect up the jewellery before going to Calicut
3. The quest can be completed WITHOUT leaving the port.

Requirements: Level 56 trade
Permits: India
Investment: 200-300k should be enough to appear at Shopkeeper the items you need.

Jewellery List and Price of item:
1. Amber hair ornament – Riga – 5 Million
2. Agate earrings – Jamaica – 4 million
3. Jade ring – Carribean Territory – 7 Million
4. Diamond necklace – Cape Town – 11 Million
5. Turquoise brooch – Hormuz – 6 Million

Quest Details:
Millionaire – “Go and see Wife and find out what she wants for her birthday”
Wife (Behind English Consul very low down –“Doesn’t know”
Millionaire – “You come up with something”
Go to Port (Seafarer) – “Pirates have sink ships bring goods”
Millionaire – “What am I to do” then suggests you get the goods.
Go to Port after given Jewellery List then return to Wife
Wife – Refuses Gift
Millionaire (and Wife) – Philosophical Chit Chat
(The two of them keep the goods away)

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